Friday, 16 November 2012

Poetry Session ‒ Nov 14, 2012

The poets we recited were from the world over: India – 2, Britain – 2, Canada – 1, and Vietnam – 1. Two were read in translation from Punjabi and Vietnamese. Four poets were women, and two, men. The readers were equally split, 3 women and 3 men.

 KumKum, Gopa and Kavita

The sparse attendance did not diminish our zest for the poetry. The Canadian and the Vietnamese were modern poets whose simple syntax, and direct speech, were nevertheless powerful in what they conveyed. We recalled T. S. Eliot’s maxim: “Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.”

 Sunil and Sivaram

Gopa chose to read a poem which she had prepared for the Sptember Browning session she missed. Its dramatic monologue form popularised by the poet carries searing images and uses several of the devices of poetry: alliteration, enjambment, rhyme, and metre.


There were interesting sidelights on liberated women in India who led life on their own terms and earned the grudging respect of wider society.


Here are the readers at the end of the session.

 Kavita, KumKum, Sivaram, Gopa, Sunil

For a full account and the text of the poems, click below.