Talitha, Shoba, Pamela
is rare that two readers select the same poet, and another reader
repeats the same poet and same poem, unknowingly. Both unusual
events took place as seven readers met to perform their chosen poems.
KumKum, Zakia, Sunil
anniversaries were marked by the selection of poets. Dante Alighieri,
born 1265, had his 750th birth anniversary celebrated this year in June. In a New Yorker article John Kleiner attempts to
explain why he occupies so high a place in Italy, and in world
Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321)
other anniversary was the 150th year after publication of Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland in 1865
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party
can see the obvious enjoyment on our faces at the end of the session
which a few could not attend who had confirmed:
Sunil, Zakia, Pamela, KumKum, Talitha, Shoba, Joe